The search tool is 319 pixels wide by 28 pixels tall, with a roundness of 3 pixels.
The magnifying glass icon is 16 pixels x 16 pixels.
4.1 Search Box Style Variations
Standard: white fill and 1 pixel stroke set to #666666
Semi-transparent: no fill, 1 pixel stroke set to #FFFFFF, and 50% transparent white search button/icon
4.2 Use
Use approved, unaltered versions only.
Use to display search results.
Do not place more than one search tool on a web page.
Verify and adjust background image to ensure accessibility color contrast when using the semi-transparent search box.
Do not combine with any other marks, graphic elements, or words.
4.3 Exceptions
Please work with University Communications if you have questions about required elements.
You may request an exception to display additional search tools. For example, tools for searching a course catalog, knowledge base, or library book/journal.