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Guidelines for Unit Communicators

Unit communicators can generate the most value for MSU and their units by carefully screening the story ideas they forward for high news value and relevance to priority areas. We are available to work with unit communicators to provide tips and guidelines for evaluating news and to identify and develop story ideas.

News releases generally will be written and pitched by our staff, but college and unit communicators often work in coordination with members of the media team to extend central resources by taking an active role in writing and pitching.

We routinely communicate with unit communicators and others, as appropriate, to provide information on the time and date stories will be released. Communicators also may request that stories released are sent to them concurrent with distribution to the media.

Our team can provide assistance to unit communicators regarding local, state and niche media contacts for releases to be issued by the college/unit.

We also can help units develop integrated communications plans that align with unit and university strategic directions and that identify an appropriate mix of communication tactics — including media communications — for maximum impact. For this type of planning, contact Nicole Geary, director of content strategy and senior creative director.

Suggesting stories for MSU communications vehicles

Unit communicators are welcome to suggest topics and story ideas to appear in a variety of communication vehicles managed by our team, including:

  • MSUToday, the university’s news website featuring in-depth coverage of key stories, faculty voices, student views, features and more
  • MSUToday Weekly Update and MSUDaily Update emails, on-request products featuring news, pride points, columns, videos and more. The Weekly has almost 200,000 subscribers and is sent to all current MSU staff, faculty and admitted students as well as many alumni Wednesday afternoons. The Daily has almost 10,000 subscribers and is sent every weekday morning
  • InsideMSU for all staff and faculty news and information sent on Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • The MSU home page, featuring top news and campus information
  • Signature products
  • University social media, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram

To submit story ideas and published stories for Ucomms channels, email


For counsel and assistance in responding to media inquiries, please contact:

Emily Gerkin Guerrant
Vice President for Public and Media Information
(517) 355-3843

Media Contact
(517) 353-7077

For area-specific media consultation and assistance, please contact the appropriate media communications manager (see contacts by topic).

To discuss strategic communications planning, please contact:

Nicole Geary
Director of Content Strategy and Senior Creative Director
(517) 355-7505