If you have a resource to share with the group, please send an email to our team and include Resources Submission in your subject line. Please include the resource name, web address, associated cost, and a brief description.
Accessible Social Media | Free
Alexa Heinrich is known in higher education social media management circles as the go-to person for learning about accessibility best practices for social media platforms. She has a lot of resources, including a newsletter, checklists, and reference guides for a variety of accessibility-related topics available on her website.
Draw.io | Free
Draw.io is a cloud-hosted chart and diagram builder. It is useful for drawing out organizational charts, process diagrams, and similar graphics.
Unfold.com | Free and paid options
Unfold is an app for designing and creating Instagram stories with templates and branding capabilities.
The following are some stock photography sites recommended by community members. Also be sure to check out photos.msu.edu for photos created by MSU photographers.